Buster Brown was born in Egeland, ND and was raised on a farm near Perth, ND. After graduating from Perth H.S., Buster moved to Williston, ND and worked on oil rigs. Buster worked in the oil fields for 10 years and was promoted to driller at the age of 19.
Buster married Darlene, from Ray, ND, in 1955 while he was working in Williston and began raising a family. After 10 years in Williston, Buster, Darlene and family moved to Yuma, Arizona. Buster and Darlene just celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary.
After moving to Yuma, Buster worked as a brake and front end specialist at Firestone for 10 years, and then went to work for McElhaney Cattle Co. as shop foreman for 25 years.
Significant Contributions to EDGE&TA
In 2009, under the leadership of Buster Brown, EDGE&TA Branch 206, Southwest Forgotten Iron, was created. Buster has been Branch 206 president and leader since 2009. Branch 206 has grown to approximately 185 members in five years and in January 2014 Branch 206 hosted the EDGE&TA Southwest Regional Show. Buster’s leadership has been instrumental in organizing the annual branch shows that occur in January. These shows have grown in size and have become the favorite of many Arizona and out of state exhibitors. The remarkable success of Branch 206 is a true testament to Buster’s leadership. Buster is also a member of EDGE&TA Branch 22, San Diego CA; EDGE&TA Branch 160, Las Cruses NM; EDGE&TA Branch 240, Tucson, AZ; EDGE&TA, Phoenix AZ and Arizona Flywheelers, Cottonwood AZ.
Why Buster Should be Inducted into the Hall of Fame
One of Buster’s qualities that cannot be measured and has had a significant impact in the antique equipment and engine community is his willingness to share his knowledge and help fellow enthusiasts in understanding, maintaining, operating and restoring antique equipment and engines. Buster has been collecting, operating and restoring antique equipment and engines for 46 years. A recent post on the website Smokstak is titled “Thanks Buster”. A gentleman from Greeneville, TN was thanking Buster for the how-to and advice on running his hot air engine for the first time. This is just one example of hundreds of times Buster has shared his knowledge. Buster’s unselfish nature of helping anyone with a question or problem along with his leadership skills are why we believe Buster should be honored as a recipient of EDGE&TA “Hall of Fame”.