Ed Weidinger was part of a small group of individuals that got together at a friend’s place to share their love for old iron and times long past. It started as a group event but soon started to draw people from the local areas as spectators. By 1988 the group decided to join EDGE&TA, becoming Branch 29. Ed has always been involved with the growth of our club, expressing his opinions on issues good or bad. He served as President of Branch 29 until 1999.
He always shows up for club work days and has always been involved with the planting of wheat for our threshing bee. Ed displays his shingle mill every year making shingles during our show. For many years he set up a trailer with small engines and hand crank corn huskers for the kids to enjoy.
Ed is also one of our announcers during our show keeping the crowd entertained with his many stories and anecdotes.
Submitted by: Ken Amann, President Branch 29