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Harvey Dale Branch 54 - Lewis-Clark Antique Power Club, Inc.

Harvey Dale

The Board of Directors of Branch 54 at their December 2015 meeting voted to submit the following nomination for Hall of Fame recognition in recognition of Harvey Dale’s outstanding service to Branch 54 of the EDGE&TA.

Harvey became a member of Branch 54 in 1993, and has never looked back!  The club is very important to him, and he is one of our most active members.  He currently serves as our Safety Officer and has also served as a member of our Board of Directors.  Harvey attends virtually all club meetings, plus organizes and leads our special “garage” and “educational” tours.  He is the liaison and leader for Branch 54’s large exhibit at the Nez Perce County Fair in Lewiston, his home town.  Harvey prefers not to hold a line officer position, but he is quick to volunteer on projects and in many ways he “leads” from the rear!  Harvey has attended and displayed at many other Branch shows—some as far away as 3-400 miles!  He and his wife, Ann, have hosted Branch 54 meetings at their home.

Branch 54 is honoring him for his never ending help that he gives all club members, plus even non-members that are interested in fixing up and restoring antique engines and tractors.  Harvey has a sound business mind and has a well-organized shop and storage facilities that most would love to have!  He is well liked, a real worker and leader and has encouraged several new club memberships.  Harvey was also the first to suggest that we have pot-luck lunches at our quarterly meetings, and this really increased the meeting attendance .In 2013, the club recognized his many contributions and help by presenting him with a Life Membership.  His extensive knowledge of old engines in particular, their value plus how to salvage, repair and bring them back to life.  He enjoys going to auctions and sales and therefore is quite current on values, and is well known in the “antique iron” community.  He has easily become the “go-to-guy” in our club plus for many others of all ages, which has definitely earned him the widely acknowledged title of Doctor Dale.  

Harvey has been especially helpful to several of our club widows by advising them on the value of their deceased husband’s collections, so they don’t get taken advantage of when selling the items.  He also is helpful to High School students on their senior engine projects, and helps “newbie’s” find “starter” engines.

Harvey is a machinist extraordinaire and has fabricated many replacement parts for his and others engines.  He does not back down from a project/challenge until it is working.  One example was member, Bill’s, 25 H.P. Fairbanks-Morse model YH that had sat for 

about 30 years, and had numerous missing parts—which Harvey didn’t have, but he knew people that had them!  Bottom line, they acquired the missing parts and finally figured out all the problems. This was the largest and a different type engine than what Harvey was used to, but due to his diligence, it is now running and is a BIG draw at the many fairs where it has been shown.  Also, Harvey is currently working on a rare and less than complete, 1909-10 Stover, 4 H.P. model YB vertical hit and miss engine—which was found in the scrap pile.  Most people would not have even considered it as a worthy project!  It was so stuck Harvey ended up having to bore out the piston in his shop—no small task. Remarkably, with Doctor Dale’s expertise and persistence, this old engine will see new life in another year or so.

In summary Harvey’ knowledge, ability and willingness to help others, plus his mild manner has done wonders to promote the membership and collections of members in Branch 54—which now has over 200 members in this small region!  Although Harvey’s collection is not as extensive or outstanding as many others, it is still quite varied and very impressive plus he has worked on and knows the history of each unit in his collection.

Branch 54 is quite proud to submit this application on behalf of HAVEY DALE and asks the committee consider the outstanding efforts that this man has put forth to enhance the knowledge and education and wellbeing of the EDGE&TA and the antique engine and tractor community.

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.