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Les Layton Branch 15


I would like you to consider inducting Les Layton into the EDGE&TA Hall of Fame at the National Show at Pottsville in June of 2023.

Les Layton is a person that has worn many hats over the years in his support of EDGE&TA Branch 15 as well as the EDGE&TA National organization and the hobby in general.

He is a charter member of EDG&TA Branch 15, since 1971, he has held several local and national offices including: Branch 15 President 1973-1976, Branch 15 Vice President 1978-1981, National Director West of
Mississippi 1981-1986, and again Branch 15 President 1989-1991. Les and his wife, Dee, were also the editors of the Branch 15 Backfire newsletter for several years

His involvement at a national level began at 16th Annual National EDG&TA meet in 1976, when National officers were not present and concerns were raised about lack of involvement; leading himself and others in 1977 to acquire a Power of Attorney, retrieve control of the accounts and reenergize the National Organization. Les also was the EDGE&TA National Director of the states west of the Mississippi River from
1986 to 1991.

Les initiated the first Branch 15 Swap Meet, starting with 4 trailers and has faithfully participated in the event which has now grown to over 100 venders in some years.

When Branch 15 built the Wolf Iron Works building in 2016, Les was instrumental in creating the Branch 15 reference library that is housed in the upper floor of the building. Many of the magazines and books that
started the library came from his personal collection.

During the winter months each year, Branch 15 has a Saturday Class on the last Saturday of each month.  Since the beginning, Les has been one of key people in facilitating these classes.

Les has also been a key person in the early years of Western Antique Powerland, which is now known at
the Powerland Heritage Park. He has served in many capacities at Western Antique Powerland (WAPI) –
the Great Oregon Steam Up- as Director of WAPI, Show Manager for several years, tractor pull flagger, parade wrangler, chief fork lift driver and so much more. And in the 50 plus years he has only missed one
opportunity to display at Great Oregon Steam Up (with great protest and consternation) as he was stuck in rehab with a broken leg.

In addition, he was founding member of Antique Implement Society (AIS) which served those wishing to make donations to further the hobby. He served as Director 1977-1985 and President 1997-2000.

He also participated yearly as part of Branch 15 at Northwest Car Collector Show displaying special engines and tractors to promote EDGE&TA – A prefect union of his love of old farm equipment and vintage cars.
Over the years Les has been an exhibitor or spectator at most of the engine shows in the western states.  He also has been a traveling companion of mine and has traveled to the Nuenen engine show in Holland,
as well as the Coolspring engine show in Pennsylvania. He has as visited many of the premier engine collections in Europe, Canada, and including many collections in the Eastern and Midwest parts of the United States.

His knowledge of mechanic skills and history of the hobby are a resource that many of us often take advantage of. I am glad to know him as a friend and traveling companion and feel that he is one of the most qualified people to be considered and should be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

George Best

This page was last modified: January 11th, 2024

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.