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Matthew C Montague Branch 26


I am nominating Matt Montague for the EDGE&TA Hall of Fame for his participation in, and service to, the hobby for over 20 years, and particularly for his willingness to share his experience with other enthusiasts through mentorship and collaboration.

Matt has a strong interest in tractors and engines built prior to the 1930s. he got his first tractor when he was thirteen, a 1920 Fordson and his first engine at 15, a Cushman farm master (both of which he still owns). After Graduating from Bellingham High School, he completed 4 years of Technical college as a machinists and diesel mechanic. He spent approximately five years working on a dairy farm and industrial maintenance before being hired at ARCO Refinery as a machinist millwright in 1987.

In addition to his dedication to the hobby, Matt is also a dedicated his family and community. He Married Jodee in 1990, and they have two children, David and Katlin. He has been a member of The Machine Technology Advisory Committee for Bellingham Technical College since 1996, and he sat on the Board of Directors for the Whatcom County American Red Cross for two years.

Matt has made a significant contribution to EDGE&TA over the years. He has been President of EDGE&TA Branch 26 since 2002, for the past six years, mat and his family have opened their property every summer for a shop tour and have hosted a revolving annual fall gathering for all club members.

In addition to the activities described above, Matt has contributed to the hobby in the following ways.
–Been a member in good standing of Puget Sound Tractor & Machinery club since 1978.
–Was president of PST&MA for 5 years.
–Owns and runs a 24-inch commercial corn grinder at the Lynden tractor show with his family since 1997, donating all the proceeds to the tractor club and the unsold corn to the food bank.
–Has an impressive engine and tractor collection that he is willing to open for viewing.

The main reason why I feel Matt should be chosen for this honor is for his generosity as a mentor, both within the hobby and beyond. He is always doing for others and unselfishly sharing his skills, knowledge, time, and resources (without any thought of recognition or praise):  He is willing to share his experience of machining with fellow collectors and help make repairs to their projects.

From 1998-2013, he led 45 ham radio operators as the Emergency Communication Group Leader.  In this capacity, he was helping people in times of emergency, as well as mentoring and leading other operators .  For the past 12 years, Matt has mentored his son David, along with approximately a dozen young adults, on tractors, engines, machining, amateur radios, and search and rescue.

I feel Matt deserves recognition for his humble service to EDGE&TA and the hobby, and I recommend him for the EDGE&TA Hall of Fame without hesitation.

Thank you to the EGGE&TA board members and Hall of Fame nominating committee for reviewing  this application.

James L Johnson

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

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Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.