Paul Reno, born during the ‘Roaring 1920’s,” has an outstanding love of antique engines & machines. He can do anything from repairing a steam engine to hitch a 30 horse team of horses to an old outdated harvester. After serving his country and being discharged in 1945 he went to work in the Oakland City museum in CA and with years of diligent labor restored a 1912 Best Steam Traction engine. He worked there for 30 yrs. He then offered his services to various antique engine clubs free of charge. He is well known all along the west coast show circuit. One will never see Reno idle when attending a show. He always makes his time useful by helping other exhibitors in whatever he is able to do. Perhaps his favorite project is threshing grain. His favorite spot is standing on top of the threshing machine checking the speed of all operations. He is never selfish, never asks for a cent for expenses and always eager to give of himself and his services to anyone and everyone. Paul received his plaque at the SW Regional show at Angels Camp on June 5, 1999.