Members of Lewis-Clark Antique Power Club, Inc. (Branch 54) are pleased to nominate Randy Tiede for induction into the National Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association Hall of fame. Randy is fully committed to the objectives of our local and national organizations. Since 2007 he has been a Board of Director of Branch 54 and is a constant contributor.
Brief summary of why he should be chosen—Randy has been a long-time member of Branch 54 and he attends all quarterly meetings and special events. In 2007 he was elected to the Board of Directors and has served continually since. Further, in an effort to preserve the agricultural history in our area of eastern Washington and northern Idaho, Randy and his wife Joan host an annual fall harvest bee on their farm near Winchester, ID. Every fall Randy sets aside a generous acreage of grain on his farm for the harvest bee. He stores and maintains an antique combines—a John Deere model 36B hillside, pull-type combine and an antique RD6 Caterpillar crawler tractor to pull it—plus a “war-years Massey-Harris model 21. And, he uses his vintage Studebaker truck to haul the grain. To view a short You Tube video of Randy’s 2017 harvest bee click on to this link— ( Randy’s favorite thing is to involve and teach as many club members as possible about running the equipment. Younger members especially, experience “punching the header” (manually adjusting the height of the header) and operating the manual leveling lever. More experienced “Cat-Skinners” (crawler Caterpillar tractor operators) take turns pulling the combine and remembering how to turn square corners. Branch 54 is honoring Randy for his steadfast enthusiasm and support of club activities. He is a “bigger than life type individual” who greets and visits with all members at meetings and special events. Everyone enjoys his company and joking manner.
Brief summary of contributions—Randy is a stalwart member who has contributed significantly over the years to Branch 54. He has served as a Board of Director of 14 years continually. Further, he has contributed much to the collection, preservation and exhibition of antique tractors and equipment. Branch 54 will be honored to have Randy Tiede selected to the EDGETA HOF. Please give his nomination utmost consideration.