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Ted Weaver Branch 54


Branch 54 Board of Directors, at our December 2014 meeting, unanimously approved the submission of this nomination for Hall of Fame recognition for our founding member, TED WEAVER.

In early 1978, Ted was discussing old engines with local friends and fellow workers, Harold Laue and Henry Johnson. They discussed about forming an old engine club and felt there was enough interest to get one going. Needless to say, Ted was a good organizer and leader, as you will read! In October 1978, a club was formed with Ted serving as the 1st President, Henry as Vice President and Robin Tietz as Secretary- Treasurer. By year-end, the above officers and Vern Tietz had formulated the club constitution and by-laws. 1979 was a busy year, as members attended and showed units at two local county fairs and the Brooks, OR show. In 1980, club members showed again at the 2 local fairs, the National EDGE&TA show in Centralia, WA, PLUS the club joined the EDGE&TA National group, as Branch 7—obviously a very significant contribution in a short period of time.

Branch 54 is honoring Ted for his accomplishments and contributions as our founding father of the club as it was his friendliness, enthusiasm and leadership that got it started, organized and held it together initially. A change in his employment, which required 12- hour days; 7 days a week during harvest in two different areas of Idaho and Washington plus a growing family took its toll! Without his enduring leadership, interest declined and the club went into hibernation for about 10 years. In 1994, again with Ted’s enthusiasm and encouragement plus with considerable and continuing effort by Eric Fogleman (2014 EDGE&TA HOF), and help from Andy & John Gortsema, the club became active again and rejoined EDGE&TA, this time as BRANCH 54—which continues strong today with over 200 members. In summary, we believe that Ted’s significant and total contribution to the club from 1978 to today is why he should be chosen as a HOF inductee.

While Ted is a man of modest means, his main collection of 2 old saws and a Farmall Cub is first class. His favorite and “prize winning” unit is a engine powered stationary drag saw, manufactured by Appleton Manufacturing Co. at Batavia, Illinois over 100 years ago, that is powered by an 6 HP INGECO engine. Ted, as a young man helped his father operate this unit as they cut over 100 cords of wood for sale each year. This is the same saw unit that Ted started showing back in 1978 after it was given to him by his father. The size and weight of this “package” made transportation, setup, operation, teardown and return a sizable and costly task; but he was really proud of it and enjoyed sharing, exhibiting and operating it at many shows. He has personally researched and restored both the saw and engine since it was given to him and it is still very much operational, and ready to go to more shows!

In Summary, although Ted has slowed down a bit after a recent stroke, HE is the reason we have Branch 54. His continued enthusiasm, always being ready to help and be part of the club’s many activities is one reason why we are so active and functional. This is also the reason that Branch 54 presented him with a “Life Membership” in 2001, the first year this award was given by our club.

Thank you for your consideration of our club’s “Founding Father”, Ted Weaver, as a nominee into the 2015 EDGE&TA Hall of Fame.

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

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Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.