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Willie Heyen Branch 19

Willie was one of the founders of our organization (Branch 19, Four Corners Antique Power Association) which was formed in his garage in 1981 and is the only original member active at this time. The club began with just 4 of 6 members and has grown to more than 100 members. Willie is very active and has been the club announcer at our events as well as the designer and builder of our pulling sled. He has helped several clubs build sleds and is always there to help anyone needing his expertise. He has even volunteered to help people out who need their equipment fixed and doesn’t charge a friend for his labor. He is always willing to share his expertise with others and help any way he can. He has done an excellent job of announcing at our events and enjoys informing the public about the old iron and how it works. He was born in 1929 in Kansas and grew up on a farm 7 miles from Stafford, Kansas. He graduated from Stafford High School and went to work in the oil field and worked on the pipelines, drilled hot point holes, and worked derrick in Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Montana until he joined the Army. 

He met His wife, Betty, in Omaha, Nebraska and they were married after he got out of the Army in 1953. 

When his three children became school aged they “went out on a limb” and moved to Durango, Colorado. Their fourth child was born after the move. 

Willie started his own business in refrigeration and Betty went to work at Mercy Hospital. Betty is a registered nurse. 

Willie and his wife are active members of their church and in their community. 

It would be a great honor for Willie to be inducted into the Hall of Fame and all his friends and family would share the honor. He has earned the honor of being a member of the Hall of Fame.

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.