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EDGETA Branch 22

EDGETA Branch 22 - San Diego, CA

Safety Rules

Establishing specific requirements for set-up is difficult since there are so many various types of displays, yet this is where some of the greatest danger lies. We ask that everyone use extreme caution, and take nothing for granted.

The Safety Officer shall have the right to stop unsafe operation of equipment. Persistence of unsafe practice or inappropriate behavior shall result in removal from the show.

Please read the following safety rules carefully and thoroughly. We want a fun and safe experience for everyone!

1) A two rope safety barricade shall separate the public, by three feet, from moving displays. The top rope should be about 36 inches and the bottom rope about 18 inches above ground.

2) Engines, tractors and equipment shall be stopped during refueling. Igniters and magnetos shall be disconnected or grounded and hot tubes turned off. Flammables shall be stored at least six feet away from engines in closed containers.

3) No running engines or tractors shall be left unattended. Persons attending must be in control at all times.

4) Allow at least three feet clear space between individual engines. Belts shall be run parallel to the safety ropes.

5) Fire extinguishers rated not less than 2A, 10BC shall be prominently displayed. This is required for all tractors and engine displays.

6) Exhaust shall be directed up or away from viewing public and equipment with a tendency to throw oil or projectiles shall be equipped with guards to protect the public, or offered as a static display.

7) There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages or drugs. Discretion is strongly advised concerning the use of prescription drugs that could impair ability to operate equipment.

8) Rude, obnoxious or dangerous behavior may be grounds for expulsion from event and possible loss of membership. Cases of possible loss of membership will be taken before the board of directors.

9) Use common sense at all times while loading, unloading or operating any machinery.

10) Equipment that is self-propelled and operated on a public road shall be operated by a member not less than 16 years of age and licensed by the state to operate motor vehicles. Operation by members under 16 years of age may be authorized, on private property at the discretion of the owner, and only after passing a tractor drivers test administered by the Branch 22 Safety Officer and two Branch 22 Officers.

11) There should be only one (1) person on a tractor when moving unless there are provisions for others and these provisions meet the Safety Officers approval and are submitted to the Insurance Agent.

12) Never leave a tractor in gear when parked. (This will prevent someone from accidentally starting the tractor and running over themselves, others or other equipment.)

13) All towed equipment shall have and use an adequate safety chain.

14) All tractors or self propelled equipment shall be equipped with a kill switch or device accessible to the operator or have someone in the seat to control the tractor when demonstrating tractor powered equipment, i.e. threshing machines, balers and saws.

15) All natural gas/propane fueled equipment shall be equipped with a D Regulator.

16) It is recommended that a first aid kit be on hand at all times.

17) When operating a tractor in a parade always drive parallel to spectators.

18) The operating of steam traction engines, boilers, portable engines and boilers, and stationary steam engines or the conducting of Antique Tractor pulls, National EDGE&TA safety rules shall apply. Copies of those regulations are available upon request.



Note 1. Side and rear barriers not required unless there is public access. Not required to separate individual adjoining displays by barriers.

Note 2. Each display area shall have an easy in/out barrier gate formed by rope or bungee cords as illustrated. Area around gate shall be clear of obstructions or clutter.

Recommended Heights


Forklift Operation

A. Only forklift owners or their authorized operators shall operate forklifts.

B. The forklift operator is BOSS – follow his instructions.

C. Equipment owner shall assist the forklift operator in moving and placing his equipment.

D. A third person shall accompany forklift, keeping the public at a safe distance from the moving equipment.

E. Be sure equipment is securely on forks before moving.

F. Stay well away from forks; stay to side of lift always.

G. Look in the direction of movement.

H. Do nothing that would require forklift operator to stop suddenly.

I. Do everything slowly, deliberately, exercising caution always.

J. Concentrate on the job. Don’t talk with friends while loading or unloading – it will only take a few minutes.

This page was last modified: March 26th, 2023

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.