Thanks for your interest in the Great Basin Antique Machinery (GBAM) Association. We consist of a group of men and women who are dedicated to the collection and preservation of antique machinery. We routinely display our antique machinery in state and county fairs and city celebrations throughout the year with our main show located on the infield of the racetrack at the annual Weber County Fair. At our main show, we hold tractor games, tractor pulls, and tractor parade and thresh grain. The public is invited to enjoy watching the competition and to stroll through our many displays of tractors, hit and miss engines and other antique equipment.
We are a branch of the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association (EDGE&TA) which is a national organization that provides us with safety guidelines, insurance, and a network for the more than a hundred such organizations and thousands of members that are located throughout the United States.
Our club began in May of 1992 as an outing at Ray Strong’s residence located in Hooper, Utah. Ray ran his old Hanacheck Wood Framed Pea Viner that was once owned by the Perry Canning Company. From these humble beginnings a group of friends formed the Great Basin Collectors of Antique Machinery, Stationary and Traction Engines (C.A.S.T.) club. We displayed annually at the Weber County Fair during the first week of August.
Roger Gray of Ogden, Utah became the first president of the newly organized club named the Great Basin Antique Machinery (GBAM). Their first two shows were held in 1997 and 1998 and were held at Ed Northrop’s lot located in Farr West, Utah located next to I-15. They were just a group of friends having a good time together. It was unexpected but a good number of people just driving by got off at the next I-15 exit and journeyed back to see our displays.
Our motto is “Preserving The Past For The Future” and we enjoy showing the younger generation how grandpa and grandma used to make their work and their lives a little easier. It is the participation of our members and their willingness to share their many and varied talents that make this such an enjoyable club to join. We average over one hundred paid members each year.
If you collect, restore, or just enjoy old equipment, or appreciate a simpler time we would enjoy having you as a member. Please don’t hesitate to call or ask a member for more information. Check out our Website www.EDGETA.ORG. A Membership Application is provided on our page for your use.