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Louise Bogard Northwest Old Iron Club - Tillamook,Oregon

Louise Bogard Br. 159

I am proud to nominate Louise Bogard of Branch 159 for the EDGETA Hall of Fame.

In 2004 Louise was a founding member of the EDGETA Branch 159 North West Old  Iron Club here in Tillamook Oregon.

She has held the office of Treasurer or Secretary or of EDGETA Branch 159 from near the founding of the club to this current year and being a very detailed and exacting person she has kept the club in good standing with the national EDGETA board.

Louise produces a EDGETA club newsletter that goes out by email and print to US Mail to the about 60 EDGETA Branch 159 members and nearly 100 other local businesses, museums, other clubs, other EDGETA branches and to EDGETA national officers.

Louise is the main go to person for our 3 day EDGETA Branch 159 Old ron Show yearly on the third weekend in August in Tillamook, Oregon that will have hundreds of paid visitors coming to see our exhibitors and vendors put on the best little EDGETA show anywhere.

She also coordinates a EDGETA Branch 159 evening dinner at local venue for the exhibitors, vendors, club members and special guests after our annual August show.

She coordinates a yearly EDGETA Branch 159 potluck in January where members bring a item for show-and-tell and have our yearly business meeting where we elect new officers for our club. Louise always volunteers to be the Treasurer or Secretary.

At our yearly August show, Louise oversees the financial dealings, guest vendor and exhibitor registration,arranges for a food vendor, show advertising sales of club merchandise and much more. Speaking of club merchandise,she designs, orders and keeps the other club members looking sharp in EDGETA Branch 159 T shirts,sweatshirts and caps.

She makes arrangements for our local high school graduation party fund raiser through the parent/student organization to be our clubs exclusive food vendor and makes sure our club makes a healthy annual donation to our local Future Farmers of America Club all to promote the EDGETA.

Louise and her husband Vince regularly travel to other local and national EDGETA events to promote our local branch and to meet other EDGETA members and learn from them.

Louise is a founding member of the Step Back  n Time organization where our EDGETA Branch 159 joins with museums and tourist events to focus on a single ticket for admission to a dozen or more events the same weekend as our August EDGETA show. She is a board member of the Tillamook County History Alliance to promote the EDGETA Branch 159 Old Iron Show throughout the county and region.

Louise is a co owner along with her husband Vince Bogard of a nicely restored 1936 Ford 1.5 ton truck that is shown at local automobile cruise-ins and parades to promote EDGETA.

She has always been a big help with the EDGETA Branch 159 club displays at the famous Tillamook County Fair. Louise also has and regularly displays her oil can collection.

Louise’s community involvement reaches far beyond our local EDGETA Branch 159 to draw in and educate the public about the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association and our living history and of the August EDGETA Old Iron Show.

Her attitude and energy is contagious and I have heard other club members describe her as the Energizer Bunny and like Radar, that character on the TV program MASH. Yes,she seems to always be thinking way ahead and many times has the answers figured out before you ask the questions.

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.