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Ruth Warnock Ramona, California


As chairperson for the Early Day Gas Engine & Tractor Association Hall of Fame I am proud to announce Mrs. Ruth Warnock from Ramona, California for Hall Of Fame 2001. Ruth was selected from an extensive list of nominees and selected for her contributions to our hobby.

Jerry Mac Martin

Branch 22 was formed on November 16, 1986, and in 1987 Ruth Warnock joined Branch 22. At this time the branch was still small, and a considerable amount of work had to be accomplished so the branch could become what it is today. October 1988 Ruth took over the position of editor for The Branch 22 Newsletter. For the next eleven years she kept Branch 22 members up to date on branch events along with other events going on throughout the country.

As Branch 22’s membership increased, we found ourselves displaying at a growing number of events. Changes needed to be made to keep the branch running smoothly. Ruth was right there to help. Branch 22 still needed to become incorporated as a non-profit organization; insurance issues, by-laws and safety rules needed changing; policies and job descriptions needed to be defined; and with Ruth’s hard work and dedication, Branch 22 put together all the necessary procedures to have us in compliance with EDGE&TA.

 In October 1989 the Board of Directors voted to make the newsletter editor a member of the board. This gave Ruth the opportunity to have a direct influence in the day to day operation of the branch, procedures, and events.

 June 1992 was the first year Branch 22 participated in the Del Mar Fair. Branch 22 contributes a considerable amount of our success at the fair to Ruth. She has taken on the job, for the past several years, of making sure we are fully staffed at all times during the three weeks we display our engines and tractors at the fair. This is no easy task because volunteers for each day have to be coordinated to cover the daytime hours and especially the weekends for the entire three-week run of the fair.

 In 1994 Ruth came up with the idea of creating a Branch 22 cookbook. She worked on all aspects of the project from start to finish. This was a lot of fun and it also brought in additional revenue for the branch.

 In 1996 Branch 22 hosted the Southwest Regional Show along with celebrating our 10th Anniversary in Descanso, California. This was Branch 22’s first attempt at hosting a show of this size. It took many hours of hard work and planning by many members of Branch 22, including Ruth, who helped make it the success that it was.

 For several years now Ruth and her husband Ralph have hosted the Ramona Parade in Ramona, California for Branch 22 members. After the parade, branch members enjoy the afternoon at Ruth and Ralph’s home.

 If working with Branch 22 was not enough to keep Ruth busy, she assisted EDGE&TA’s previous Secretary / Treasurer, Menno Kliewer, who was working on his book, Early Day Memories. He needed someone to help him proofread, edit, and type his book. So for the next year Ruth helped Menno finish his book.

On April 4th, 1997 Ruth was appointed National Western Advisor and on April 20th, 1998 Ruth took the position of Secretary / Treasurer for EDGE&TA. Since 1997 Ruth has brought EDGE&TA into the computer age. She now has all records and information, by-laws, safety rules, policies and insurance information available at anytime for any branch, should they need it.

 Ruth works closely with the National Officers and with the Insurance Advisor to make sure all branches are in compliance with EDGE&TA policies. Ruth spent many hours working with Ken Green on compiling, typing, and publishing the history book of EDGE&TA. She also spends many hours working with the web master to see that current National information is posted to the EDGE&TA web site. Being Secretary / Treasurer for EDGE&TA is a full time job, which she takes seriously. Ruth is always available and willing to help anyone needing assistance on EDGE&TA matters. Ruth does her best to participate in as many regional and national shows as possible, which allows her availability to the membership and vice versa.

 Branch 22 is nominating Ruth Warnock for the EDGE&TA Hall of Fame in appreciation of her hard work and dedication to Branch 22 and EDGE&TA. She keeps Branch 22 informed along with keeping EDGE&TA running smooth. She puts in a minimum 40 hours a week as Secretary / Treasurer. She is always willing to help out on any project, and she gives 110%. Ruth is an unlimited source of information and knowledge and if she does not know the answer she is willing to find it out. Branch 22 depends on Ruth more than anyone realizes. She is an asset to both Branch 22 and EDGE&TA. Branch 22 would like to “thank” Ruth for all she has done to make Branch 22 the Great Branch it is today and her continued efforts to promote the preservation and interest in Early Day Equipment.

This page was last modified: November 24th, 2020

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.