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National Insurance Policy Barrel Ride Requirements

There is no additional charge for barrel rides; they are covered in the base premium. However, the following is required and must be adhered to before our insurance will cover a barrel ride.

1. Metal barrels must have a protective edge guard where barrels have been cut.

2. Plastic barrels must have the edges smooth and rounded so as not to scratch or cut a passenger when getting in or out.

3. A conductor, who is an EDGE&TA member, must accompany barrel ride at all times.

4. Driver must be an EDGE&TA member, hold a permanent driver\’s license, and be at least twentyone (21) years old. See Notes below.

5. The driver should not have to look around to watch the riders in the barrels. We must have some way for the conductor to alert the driver that the train needs to stop or give the driver information at all times. It is recommended that the driver and conductor wear radio headsets for communication, unless the conductor has a designated seat on the pulling vehicle looking back at the barrel ride and he can communicate directly with the driver.

6. Pulling vehicle may only be a small farm tractor (40 hp or less). Pulling vehicle must be equipped with adequate and good working brakes and be heavy enough to stop the barrel train with full load. It is recommended that the pulling vehicle weigh more than 2000 pounds. No ATV\’s, automobiles, pickups, garden tractors or animals may be used to pull the barrel ride.

7. Speed must be controlled not to exceed 3 MPH.

8. The exhaust must be pointed up and away from the driver and the barrels.

9. Pictures of the Barrel Ride Trains must be submitted to the Safety Committee for approval. It is up to the builder to make sure the construction is sound and safe.

10. If you are interested in building a barrel train, contact the Safety director for information. *See Notes Below for suggestions and information on building a Barrel Train.

11. The requirements for a barrel train to be pulled with a garden tractor in addition to those listed above are as follows:

A. Garden tractors must weigh a minimum of 675# without the driver.

B. The barrel train is limited to 4 barrels. The weight of the barrels and the children must not exceed the weight of the garden tractor. Barrels and the garden tractors must be weighed prior to the event so that the operators will have a feel for their limitations during the event. Barrels and a child should weigh in the vicinity of 150#.

C. Only children older than 3 or younger than 12 (limited to children less than 5 ft tall) may ride in the barrels. No adults are allowed to ride in the barrels except to accommodate children with special needs. In that case only two barrels and the two kids with their adult escort are pulled at a time, so the average load per cart does not exceed 150#.

D. Children must be supervised by an adult while loading and unloading from the barrel train. During the ride it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the children stay seated and keep their hands inside the barrels at all times (no rubbing the tires) when the train is moving. Garden tractors should be equipped with dual mirrors or have a walking conductor with a radio contact with the driver. Drivers must not allow teenagers or adults to ride in the barrels. A designated loading and unloading area should be identified.

E. The route for the barrel train must be reasonably level, no hills. The surface must be hard packed, paved, with no grass or wet areas. The route shall be predetermined the safety of the children in mind.

F. The speed must be kept to no more than a normal walking speed.

G. Be sure the barrel is level when hooked up to the tractor, and that the safety pins are in place.

H. Remember that garden tractors are not designed to pull additional loads, they are designed to stop only the operator and the the tractor itself. Therefore they must be operated on flat areas, preferable paved, and at slow speeds.

*Notes and comments on the barrel train:
• We have had questions of the age of the driver. If a 16 year old has a license he legally can only haul 1 person in some states. To haul people on the street you have to have a CDL. We don\’t want to go there.
• It is suggested that following the last barrel, there be a cart/caboose with a mounted seat for the conductor to ride. This seat should be a comfortable ride for the conductor. The conductor tells the tractor driver when train is loaded and when to start. The conductor can also tell the driver to stop in case on an emergency. The driver should not have to look around to watch the riders in the barrels.
• We can give you plans, pictures, drawings and advice, but it is up to the builder to make sure the construction is sound and safe.
• The length of the tongue and drawbar, and weight distribution are important on the way the cart trails and turns. (Pictures of a barrel car with dimensions will be added later)
• Each barrel and cart will weigh anywhere from 65 to 85 pounds depending on the material you use.
• Using 10 barrels, this will be a weight of 850 pounds.

This page was last modified: December 6th, 2023

All membership dues and lists are to be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer. Click on the Administration Page to find contact information for the officers.

All correspondence should be directed to the President, any questions should be sent to the Regional Director and all insurance questions to be sent to the Director handling insurance.

All EDGE&TA Membership Correspondence Should be Directed To: Tina Brown – EDGE&TA Secretary[email protected] | , .

Website by Josh Dilsaver. | © 1997 – 2025 National Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association.