EDGETA Hall of Fame Members
About the EDGETA Hall of Fame
The EDGE&TA Hall of Fame was established in 1998 in the interest of honoring those who have made significant contributions to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of antique tractors, engines, and equipment.
Every EDGE&TA member is eligible for this award. Posthumous submissions will be accepted with past EDGE&TA membership.
Each year the inductees to the Hall of Fame will receive their award in the form of a plaque with their name on it. The announcement of the year’s inductees will be made at the National business meeting unless other arrangements are made. This award will be presented to them at the National or Regional Show of their choice. A stand-in can accept the award if the inductee is unable to attend. Their name will then be put on the large Hall of Fame plaque that EDGE&TA keeps along with the previous years inductees. Their names and photos along with their applications will then be put on our website for all to view.
Revised November 2019
- the number of inductees will be limited to four
- all inductees must be an EDGE&TA member
- posthumous submissions will be accepted with past EDGE&TA membership.
- all nominees must receive a minimum of 2 votes from the judges to be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame
All applications will be sent to the Hall of Fame Chairman who will email them to the regional directors to review and vote. The director from the submitter’s region does not vote. All nominees must receive a minimum of 2 votes from the directors to be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame
Inductees will receive a personal engraved plaque commemorating their induction into the Hall of Fame. The plaque will be presented during the business meeting at either the National or Regional Show that the inductee can attend. A stand-in can accept the award if the inductee is unable to attend.
- Send a photo of the recipient with their plaque to the National Secretary
- add the following to the application – What has the nominee done for EDGE&TA
The deadline for the hall of Fame nomination application was changed from April 14 to one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the meeting at the National Show of the year the nominee is to be considered.